Thursday, May 29, 2014

Zeus, King of the Olympians!


     Have you ever heard of Greek mythology? If you have you may have heard of Zeus. He was a determined, powerful Greek god. He wouldn't have been the ruler if it wasn't for his determination. His father, Cronus, ate his Zeus's brothers and sisters knowing that one of his children would overthrow Cronus's kingdom. Fortunately, Zeus's mother hid Zeus and gave Cronus a rock to eat instead. As Zeus grew up he freed three monsters that would help him defeat his father. As a gift of freedom the monsters gave Zeus the power of lightning. Later, Zeus gave his father something to eat which made him throw up his brothers and sister. Together they defeated Cronus and gained control of the kingdom.

What Do I Think?

     I think this is the best greek god of all. After all, he is the king of the olympians. I would respect him greatly knowing that he could electrocute me in less than a second. Just look at the picture above. Doesn't that intimidate you in the slightest way? Well it scares me as much as a mouse cornered by the most monstrous cat in the world. Although, I think Zeus is a good roll model too. He was determined and because of that freed his siblings and even got the power of lightning! Isn't Zeus just so cool!?!

Your Turn

     I did my part so now you do yours. Did you hear when I wrote about respecting Zeus? Well, if you did, in the comments below please write about whether you would respect him or not. It doesn't have to be long, either. Well, see you later!

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