Bandwagon Commercials
You see so many commercials a day. Some persuade you and some don't. Well, if you read this you'll find two techniques that professional producers use or include in their ads. In the commercial below you will see them using bandwagon. This is a persuasive propoganda that tries to make you follow the crowd. In the ad you see the child writing Bandwogon on the man's helmet. This is a heads up that something related to bandwagon is coming up. Later in the commercial you find the man changing the team it supports each time that team loses a game. This is a perfect example of bandwagon because the man is following the crowd.
In this commercial you see them using the bandwagon
technique. It's noticed by the child writing it on the man's
helmet and also seen by the man changing jerseys each
time a team looses. This is following the crowd.
Testimonial Commercials
In the commercial below you will find the producer using the testimonial technique. This technique uses famous, well-known people to demonstrate and display the products from the company. One of the popular people in the ad is a the basketball player, Rajon Rondo. They probably used him because his fans might do what ever he suggests and in this case he's suggesting to buy from Foot Locker. If you want to see another ad where they use the testimonial technique just go to this link. (Lebron James beats commercial)In this commercial you see them using the testimonial
technique. You could notice because you can see
them using a famous, well-known person to persuade
you to buy their product. This is what a commercial
using the testimonial strategy would look like.
My Opinion
I like the first commercial because the man is changing his favorite team every time that team looses. To me this is a great example of bandwagon including the fact that the child writes in marker on the man's helmet "Bandwagon". The strategy used makes me want to buy this product because in the end of the commercial the two children say that they hope that Dorittos is part of the bandwagon. In this ad they pick a certain type of people they want to buy this product. It's not just that they just think everyone is going to buy their product. They have a specific target audience. In this ad I think the target audience is young parents. I think so because it's usually the main actor who is the target and in this case it's young parents. Also, I think this product will sell because they made it funny and when it's funny it usually attracts some attention.
I liked the second commercial, also because it has an amazing basketball player in it. When they added Rajon Rondo to the commercial they did themselves a favor. When other people that like him see that he is suggesting to get shoes from Foot Locker they might beg their parents to get shoes from their and then Foot Locker will get a lot of money. I think the target audience in this ad is teenagers. I believe this because teenagers are the people who really care about nice style and good shoes, so I think their are the target audience. Mostly, I think this commercial will help Foot Locker make money because I think Rajo Rondo's fans will go to Foot Locker because he suggested it.
I liked the second commercial, also because it has an amazing basketball player in it. When they added Rajon Rondo to the commercial they did themselves a favor. When other people that like him see that he is suggesting to get shoes from Foot Locker they might beg their parents to get shoes from their and then Foot Locker will get a lot of money. I think the target audience in this ad is teenagers. I believe this because teenagers are the people who really care about nice style and good shoes, so I think their are the target audience. Mostly, I think this commercial will help Foot Locker make money because I think Rajo Rondo's fans will go to Foot Locker because he suggested it.
Top Five List
In this commercial you can see them using the testimonial technique. You can notice because they use Eli Manning and make him drive a Toyota. Then they want fans of Eli Manning to buy a toyota.
In this commercial you can also see them using the testimonial technique. I noticed because in a testimnial commercial their is always a well-known person. In this ad Old MacDonald was the famous person.
In this commercial you might spot the technique that I spotted. I found them using the bandwagon technique. I could tell because one of the women ws jealouse of the other woman because her insurance helped her save more money.
I think this commercial is using the testimonial technique. I have a feeling because they are saying that if you want to be fast and amazing at soccer like Ronaldo you have to wear the nike shoes shown in the ad. This is why it uses the testimonial strategy.
I think the technique used in this commercial is bandwagon. I think so because bandwgon is following the crowd. Also, in this case the crowd would be the children so the ad wants you to follow what the children and the man say.